
Hi my name is Tair and I’m gonna show you what I have done in Flipgrid (it’s a place were you share videos). My teacher gave us some multiply exercises that we needed to answer and film so here is a link for one of the videos that is not one of the multiply exercises!


My Longhouse

I built my longhouse with cardboard, hot glue, sheets and a lot of investment with a pinch of love and…聽 Boom! It was there my聽 built and beautiful Longhouse.

Oh excuse me you do not know what a longhouse is {I think} a longhouse is a very long house as you understand from the name what ever.The Indegenous lived in it because it was a big house so about 3 families could live there. There were bunk beds but only next to the walls so it wouldn’t聽 take a lot of space.

Today we live in our big and worm houses but i want you to try just try聽 to close your eyes and try to imagine your life in a long house if you got it 馃憤馃憤馃憤 if not that ok.

So now we know how to built a longhouse, we know how a longhouse look like, we were trying to imagine聽 how it would be to live in a longhouse

My Speech

Working hard or hardly working?聽

By: TE

I was always raised to think that homework is the most important thing in school. Today I will show you it is not that simple.

You may be surprised, but homework also has negative effects! Homework causes children to lie to parents or teachers, copy from friends and sometimes do their homework carelessly just to get it done. Homework can cause stress and anger between parents and children. Another negative effect can be the gap between rich and poor – rich parents can afford to pay private tutors, while less rich parents can not. This creates a gap in school and classroom between children from different families.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that homework also has positive sides. Studies show that homework helps to better remember the study material, can increase comprehension, and homework can also push the student to think of independent solutions. In addition, homework involves parents in their children’s learning and helps teachers know the level of students.

So can we make homework a better experience? Maybe we can!

I think that in order to make homework a good experience – teachers should give few options according to the level of the students, give homework solely on the material taught in class, and give some of the homework as a non-compulsory assignment. It is important to guide students to do their homework in a creative or artistic way, and to make sure that the time required to prepare homework is relatively short.

To conclude, we saw that homework has pros and cons, and there are ways to make homework a good experience. So now the teachers have a lot of homework to do on how to make our homework an amazing experience!


I’m exploring the world of stones [in this case it’s cookies]

So yes I am researching the world of stones [in this case it is cookies] what I will tell will be very funny and interesting.
1] MissM brought two different types of chocolate chip cookies, with two different types of chocolate
2] Missm brought us 2 toothpicks [I did not use it for teeth] so we could work with them and dig [this cookie needs something small]
3] I took out all the chocolate chips and gently broke the cookies
. Inside the cookies it was harder to take out the chocolate chips

Innovation Day – Pulley Project


What did I need for the elevator I built: wire, 2 long pieces of cardboard, a box, 2 short pieces of cardboard, and a stick
How I connected all the parts: I took the hot glue and the 2 long parts and the 2 short parts I put 1 of the long parts
And on both sides I glued the short parts
And over the short parts I glued the last long part
  1. How I started the structure of the elevator: I took the box and made 2 holes up the holes and inserted the stick into the holes.
  2. How I build the evaluator pulley: I take the string and fold it. At the end of the fold, I glued it to the dowl (wooden stick). at the other end, I glued the elevator box
  3. How I built the flag pole: take a large wooden pole and glued it to the base. I take more wooden sticks and glue them to the top. I take two small pieces of cardboard and make a square shape to make a pulley. Between the small cardboard, I put the rope through and on one end draw a ‘T’ and two swords on the square flag. I glue the flag to the rope.

Mayan Pryamid 讛-诪讗讬讛 驻讬专诪讬讚讜转

讗谞讬 讘谞讬转讬 讗转 讝讛 注诐 拽专讟讜谉 ,讞转讻转讬 讗转 讛拽专讟讜谉 诇诪砖讜诇砖讬诐 讜讗讝 讛讜专讚转讬 诇讛诐 讗转 讛诇诪注诇讛 ,讜讛讚讘拽转讬 专讬讘讜注讛 讜讗讝 讘谞讬转讬 
拽讜讘注讛 讜讛讚讘拽转讬 讗讜转讛 诇诪注诇讛 讜讻讱 讛讬讛 诇讬 驻讬专诪讬讚讛 讘住讜祝 爪讘注转讬 讜讬爪讗 诪讛诪诐 讘讟专讜祝


I built it with cardboard, cut the cardboard into triangles and then I lowered them to the top, and I glued a square and then I built a statement and glued it up so I had a pyramid at the end I painted and it came out stunning in the end.

Penelope 驻谞诇讜驻讛

I love fantasy and magic books but also suspense and adventure and this book has them all 讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘转 住驻专讬 驻谞讟讝讬讛 讜拽住诪讬诐 讗讘诇 讙诐 诪转讞     
讜讛专驻转拽讗讜转 讜讘住驻专 讛讝讛 讬砖 讗转 讻讜诇诐 讗谞讬 讗讛讘转讬 讗转 讛住讬驻讜专 讻讬 讝讛 诪转讜讗专 诪谞拽讜讚转 诪讘讟 砖诇 讬诇讚讛 讜讘转诪讬诪讜转 讻讝讜 砖讗诐 讛讬讛 讘讝讛 讞诇拽 注爪讜讘 讗谞讬 讻诪注转 讘转讜讻讛 砖讗谞讬 讛讬讬转讬 讘讜讻讛
I liked the story because it is described from a girl's point of view and with such innocence that if there was a sad part in it I would almost be in it that I would cry